The Warman Sewage Lagoon Project aimed at enhancing its functionality. This project included the installation of an aeration system in cells 1, 2, and 3, the construction of new lagoon berms, and the installation of connecting piping, which included various manholes and PVC piping with gate valves. Additionally, four SAGR cells were constructed which involved earthworks, aeration piping, wall framing, washed rock placement, HDPE liner and geotextile installation, and a unique cover made from insulated shredded tires. Earthwork activities in cells 3 and 5 consisted of berm elevation, new berm construction, clay liner installation, transfer structures, and the implementation of rip rap protection on the slopes. Con-Tech also managed the construction of a dedicated Blower Building and it's associated site work and trenching. This collective effort significantly improved the Warman Sewage Lagoon's functionality and efficiency.
By the numbers, this project encompassed over 35,600m3 of earthwork and 4,500m3 of clay liner installation, 40,000m2 of subgrade prep & placement of 6,900m3 of pit-run, 35,350m3 of SAGR Cell rock and 1.2km of SAGR wall framing, and 6,340m3 of shredded tire.
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